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am i able to join

member application

You are if you or an immediate family member (child, spouse, sibling, parent, grandparent or grandchild) meet any one of the following criteria.

  1. You have an immediate family member* that is already a member of Service 1st.
  2. You work for one of our Select Employee Groups.
  3. You have an immediate family member* who works for one of our Select Employee Groups.
  4. You or an immediate family member* live, work, worship, attend school in, or operate a businesses or other legal entity located in qualified census tracts in the following geographic areas.
  5. Select your county below:

    Find your census tract number!

    1. Go to the FFIEC web site:
    2. Enter your home address and select search
    3. The census tract number will appear under Tract Code
      1. Tract code 2162.00 converts to census tract 2162.

Click here for online membership instructions.

* Immediate family includes spouses, parents, siblings, children, grandparents and grandchildren.